MT Series Load Cell
Stock Code: 5 03 MT1
MT type load cells are manufactured from special alloy aluminum and coated with anodizing to increase their resistance to corrosion and industrial conditions. These loadcells work in compression, tensile or both compression and tensile directions with the bending beam principle.
"MT series loadcells are made of special anodized aluminium alloy that isolates it from corrosion and industrial environmental connditions. Operating with bending beam principle, MT type loadcells were designed for tension or compression or for both tension and compression applications. It is highly resistant to eccentric loading. The maximum platform sizes are 15 cm x 15 cm. The sensing element is covered with silicone that protects it against dust and humidity.
  • Packing and filling machines
  • Dosing systems
  • Checkweighers, belt scales
  • Tensiyon control
  • Weighing platforms
  • Material testing machines

    The MT series loadcells are produced in 2, 3 kg capacities
    Accuracy Class :
    C1 , C3
    Maximum Capacity :
     2 ,3 kg
    Minimum Dead Load :
     0 %CN
    Rated Output :
    CN 2 mV/V
    Maximum Number of Load cell Interval :
    nLC C1 (1000), C3 (3000)
    Minimum Verification Interval :
    Vmin C1 (Emax/5000 ), C3 (Emax/10000 )
    Minimum Dead Load Output Return MDLOR :
    DR C1 (<± 0,050), C3 (± 0,0167 ) %CN
    Zero Balance :
    <±1 %CN
    Temperature Effect on Zero :
    C1 (<± 0,014), C3 (± 0,007 ) %CN / 5 0C
    Temperature Effect on Output :
    C1 (<± 0,0085), C3 (± 0,0055 ) %CN / 5 0C
    Compensated Temperature Range :
    -10/+40 °C
    Temperature Range, Safe :
    Maximum Safe Overload :
    EL 150 %°C
    Breaking Load :
    Ed 300 %°C
    Excitation :
    5 -15 V
    Input Empedance :
    RLC 395±30 Ω
    Output Empedance :
    RO 350±3 Ω
    Insulation Resistance :
    Ris >1000 MΩ
    Load Cell Body :
    Anodized Aluminium alloy
    Environmental Protection :
    Cable Type :
    4 x 0,22
    Cable Length :
    0,5 m
    Approval :

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